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List of Jews from the city of Paille

Comparison chart compiled by Denis Levy

The city called "City of Paille", or Strohstadt in German, had a very ephemeral existence. Situated on an island in the Rhine, it was built in 1680 by the French after they took possession of the fortress of Breisach.

Its real name was at first Ville-Neuve-de-Brisach, then later on Saint-Louis-les-Brisach.

In 1697, under the Treaty of Rijswijk, it was entirely destroyed and dismantled: omnino fragmented and solo aequabitur.
See GenAmi No. 17 (September 2001)

Jews settled there, mostly coming from nearby villages on both banks of the river, and a community was founded in 1692.
The table below lists these Jews at different times. The sources are:

  • 1686: List of houses inhabited by Jews in Ville-Neuve-de-Brisach (AD Haut-Rhin 1 E 80 No. 18). Gives the age of those concerned. Compiled by Günther Boll.
  • 1695: Fiscal document on the city's Jewish community. Appears in “Juden in Breisach” (Hans David Blum, 1998)
  • 1696: Heads of Jewish families in Ville-Neuve-de-Brisach and those who have servants (AD Haut-Rhin 1 E 80 No. 3).Compiled by Günther Boll.
It has been recognized that similar names on two successive lists concerned the same individual. Conversely, it is not impossible that two different names in different years are about the same individual ... This table does not remove such doubts.